Museo del Merletto

Museo del Merletto

FLORA VIALE. Frammenti sacri

Flora Viale


1980 State University of New York, Binghamton, NY (M.A. Art History)

1976 B.F.A. Fine Arts

1952 University de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina


2011-2012 Installation In Nature, Hammond Museum, North Salem, New York

2005 Drawings & and large metal vessels, The Schoolhouse, Croton Falls, New York

2005Creating with Nature (with workshops), Onatru Farm, South Salem, NY

2005 Eventi Magici di Mezza Estate, Palazzo Morenberg, Sarnonico, Italy

2001 Living with Arts and Crafts, The Schoolhouse, Croton Falls, NY

1999 Arte Sella, Val di Sella, Italy

1998 Celebrity Bug, Malga Sella, Val di Sella, Italy

1988-95 Silvermine Gallery, Silvermine, CT

1988-89 Giocare con l’arte, Museo di Arte Contemporanea, Prato, Italy

1986 Somerstown Galleries, Somers, NY

1984 Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT

1983 D’Amacourt Gallery, Washington, DC

1982 White Fall Tower, Santa Rosa, CA

1981 White Hall Gallery, Western Connecticut University, Danbury, CT

1978 Habitat Exhibition, Stony Brook Museum, Stony Brook, NY

1976 University Art Gallery, Suny, Binghamton, NY